Sunday, August 29, 2010

Work in Progress

You might remember this image from a few months back.  I finally started inking, for pete's sake.  I've been going through my books, looking at images I've abandoned in the past and am going to be making an effort to finish them, for better or worse.  This one might turn out after all, hmmm....


  1. I like what I can see so far. As a fellow scribbler, I enjoy seeing how other people work; it is interesting to me to see how much of the image you create in the inking stage.
    Looking forward to finding out what is scurrying out of the little cubbyhole on the lower left hand side --- looks like maybe a giant crab with pincers upraised!

  2. Limpey: Thanks; I mainly try to block in my poses and general composition in my pencils, and they can be very sketchy and vague. When I finally grab a pen to start inking, I go hunting for the "best bits" in the sketch and then "solidify" it with the inking, if that makes sense. The wizard's hood started out as a hat, I think, but ended up as something very different in the inking! I look forward to seeing what might be lurking in the corner too, as I have no idea what it might end up being either!

  3. That's a goody. Very evocative, nice storytelling.

  4. I like! Let me know if you need some stick figures.
