I normally don't talk about this stuff on C&D, but since it's such a large chunk of what's happening now, I will. As some of you might already know, I am diagnosed with Stage 4 Metastatic Colon cancer, and Jenn and I have been dealing with this for years now.
Sometimes when dealing with cancer treatment, it gets to feeling like you are on a perpetual treadmill of chemo and scans to see what the chemo is doing, and that this goes on and on without much real hope of changing things. And this is how things were feeling for us.
But, sometimes hope is where you least think it will be. Today is one of those time when hope becomes apparent. Today we are starting a new, and
I think, better approach to my cancer. Through diet and excercise, new drugs we hadn't tried, and maybe even a touch of surgery, we're going at it differently. We are stepping off the hopeless treadmill, and daring to live.
Shooting at the Moon, if you will.