Sunday, July 8, 2012

I'd be scared, wooden you?

These two look like trouble. This is for one of the upcoming Appendix N Adventures coming from John at Brave Halfling. The rocks, by the way, are in tribute to Larry Elmore, who paints great rocks, in addition to many other things.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


  1. They would'ent scare me!

    Looks great. Can't wait to get my hands on the Appendix N bundle.

  2. Careful! You wouldn't want that Treant to give you a splinter in your mind's eye, would you? ;-)

  3. Wow! That's great. I don't ever recall seeing any of your color work before.

  4. I'm glad you spotted that! It was intentional, though. I love that painting and it deserves to be mimicked a bit!

  5. Thanks, James! Most of my color stuff has been sci fi stuff, but I've been working to do more color pieces.
