I've got lots of holiday things going on today, so a family-themed post seems right. I did this family of Trolls for Fight On #3 for "County of Haghill and Environs" by James Mishler. He posits the idea that female trolls are not quite as hideous as their male counterparts, and also have tails that may or may not give them magical powers.
These were ideas that really have breathed life into the D&D troll for me. I have to admit being a little "Tolkien-centric" and disliking D&D trolls from the get-go. But, after 25 some odd years, they have finally begun to grow on me.
You will also note the homage to the original D&D troll by Dave Trampier. (edit: In my confusion, I have given credit for the D&D troll to the wrong artist. Sutherland, not Trampier, did the original troll illustration. Trampier did a version of it in the PHB, which is what I was looking at.) I may have not cared for the monster, but I have always loved that illustration.
A nitpick: the troll illustration in the Monster Manual is by Dave Sutherland.
ReplyDeleteBut there is also one in the the PHB of the troll with the roll of twine, and that one is a copy of the Sutherland Troll by Trampier. Also, I couldn't remember if Sutherland or Trampier did that one in the MM. My bad.
ReplyDeleteSteve - that's a great drawing there! The 1e Troll has certainly become an icon, but there are so many mythological variations on the theme. I like the idea of a female Troll being linked more closely to the scandinavian Huldra/Skogsra; attractive and tailed.
ReplyDeleteCheck out the TrollMoon/TrollBlog, some fantastic art there as well.