Spent today surfing the web and watching UFO and abductee shows on both History Channel and Netflix. Plus I have this weird triangle shaped mark on my arm and a funny rash.....
Mutant Future, that is. I got to play in Dan Proctor's game at Gamicon a week or so ago and had a blast. I had forgotten the fun of finding ancient artifacts in the ruins, convincing some ancient computer to go ahead and shut off all those things it's been running for a thousand years or trying to figure out how to play a character with a defective dual brain. Definitely need to play this more in the future...
Above is Cafe Lad, pint sized superhero from the mid-90's. Or, at least, he appeared in my sketchbooks during a period of barrista-ing during that period. What does he have to do with old school gaming? Not much, but he is old and I've always had a soft spot for the little fella, so here he is. Take that, Dino!
One of the images I'm most happy with out of "Labyrinth Lord Revised". The ship ended up being a cross between a coracle and a trireme, but as long as no naval enthusiasts are offended, it all worked out.